The Power Hour with Brandi | Market Street - The Woodlands

The Power Hour with Brandi

Event Details


Sep. 30, 2023 - Sep. 30, 2023

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Event Description

This class will be called, "The Power Hour", presented by Brandi!

The class will be set up in sections for the complete full body workout! The Power Hour is not a dance workout, but it is musically driven. Each workout section is designed to fit a specific song to give you that motivating fun effect that music fives to help drive and push you through the workout! Class sections will be through the following: legs, chest and back, cardio interval, shoulders, triceps, biceps, tabata, abs, and kickboxing!

All ages and levels are welcome! Any modifications can be made where needed.

Where: Fabletics on Market Street, we are next to Bath and Body Works!

What to bring: a yoga mat and 1-2 sets of dumbbells

When: September 30th at 8:30AM