Apr. 30, 2023 - Apr. 30, 2023
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Nationwide, men receive bystander CPR at a rate of 46%. For women, it is even less at 39%. Here in Montgomery County, our bystander CPR rate is only at 15%.
Join our mission to change this statistic by signing up to learn 2-Step CPR. Feel confident and safe to take care of our families and neighbors should you witness a cardiac event.
Learn 2-Step CPR and Pet CPR, stop by booths for healthy hearts and minds, and visit with first responders. (Family and pet-friendly event)
Visit THIS LINK to register for a 2-Step CPR session.
For questions, please contact [email protected]
For more information on American Heart Association in Montgomery County visit Montgomery County | American Heart Association, CLICK HERE